Submission Process

Only a commissioned Land Surveyor who was directly involved in the project being submitted may make a submission. Furthermore, commissioned Land Surveyors must be members of the association that represents the jurisdiction of their commission.

Commissioned surveyors may nominate another commissioned surveyors.

Only a project that was completed within the last 3 years will be considered eligible for an award.

Tier 1 Selection: In addition to the standard mandatory fields of the Candidate Submission Form, candidates must submit a short summary of their project, not to exceed one page (8.5 x 11). The font for this summary shall be Times New Roman, 12 point. In addition, candidates may optionally submit a graphic image of their project, also not to exceed one page.

Tier 2 Selection: Within two weeks subsequent to the Deadline for Submissions, the judging panel shall select the top three submissions for each category. The short-listed candidates will receive notification that will include the following information;

  • Candidate’s submission was short-listed for a prestigious award.
  • If selected, a direct representative of the submission must be present at the Awards Luncheon in order to receive the award.
  • A poster of the submission will be required for display at the National Surveyors’ Conference. Criteria for the poster as follows;
    • One hardcopy poster, preferably and not to exceed AO size.
    • With the benefit of graphics and text, the poster should articulate all aspects of the project.
    • The text size for corporate name and logo shall not exceed a height of five (5) centimeters.
    • Poster to be mailed to the ACLS office such that it has been received no less than 10 working days prior to the National Surveyors’ Conference.

Prior to and during the National Surveyors’ Conference, ACLS staff will ensure all posters are prominently displayed in the exhibit area. The judging panel will make their final selection, based on the posters on display.